

Gods of EGYPT

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Full Video http://boo.tw/3Y26V

God War: Eye of Power Synopsis

The story takes place on the banks of the Nile, where the palaces and the pyramids are erected. At that time, ancient Egypt was full of magic, monsters and gods. Relentless darkness of God Dorset, captured the original belongs to the Egyptian king Horus, and let the prosperity and peace of the country into conflict and chaos. The survival of mankind and the stability of the world are in jeopardy. A young burglar Baker was blessed by God, to save the world and his true love embarked on a thrilling fantasy journey. To succeed, he must seek and receive the help of the powerful Horus gods, forming a seemingly unlikely "hero" alliance. With the danger of human life, the two heroes stood out, opened the fight against evil, no return ... ... as the powerful enemies of Horus and Beck, Dorset assigned confidant for their confrontation to create many difficulties and obstacles. If Horus and mortal Baker want to win in this confrontation, they must pass a series of tests of courage and sacrifice.

